(A Foundational Juridical Person)

Toyosato Hospital


(The Picture of Toyosato Hospital in the country.) 

Toyosato Hospital is located in the country of east district of Shiga-Prefecture.

It is composed of the hospital (280 beds)itself, a health institution for aged persons (100 beds)(an alias: Pastoral Toyosato), a nurse visiting center ( Rainbow Toyosato), and a center for mental idiotic diseases.

Toyosato Hospital:

Dep. of Proctlogy &

Dep. of internal medicine(gastroenterology, circulatory disease,diabetic outpatient),  Dep. of surgery,  Dep. of respiratory disease,  Dep. of orthopedics,  Dep. of Urology,  Dep. of ophtalmology,  Dep. of otolaryngology,        Dep. of brain surgery,  Dep. of dermatology,  Dep. of dentistry,  Dep. of Radiology,  Respiratory center,  Rehabilitation center, &  Dep of psychosis(116 beds).

Toyosato Hospital was founded by a contribution of the founder Chubei Ito ( the president of Marubeni co.) at 1922.

Access to Toyosato Hosp.

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